My Mother once told me that if you can't say something nice about someone, you shouldn't say anything at all. In theory, that sounds very nice and proper. But in practical application, it's difficult not to respond to someone who continues to call you a warmongering, neanderthal, bible thumping, Gay bashing, racist. As a proud Reagan Conservative, I've been called them all. Perhaps not as an individual but certainly as a member of a group that advocates fiscal & personal responsibility, secure borders, limited government and a strong unapologetic national defense. Those who are quite adamant about those positions joined or supported the Tea Party. A grassroots supported organization which believes in all of the above. In 1776, people who believed these things were called Patriots. Today they are targeted by a national political party and thought to be enemies of the state by the current Administration. Hosts on MSNBC, a mostly liberal news outlet call the Tea Party members "Teabaggers". A derogatory name that has a sexual and mostly Gay connotation. Yet I've not heard of a single Gay Advocate organization complain. The result might have been different if a more Conservative news outlet used that term in describing a liberal minded group.
I have numerous politically like minded friends. I have never heard anyone of them utter an anti-Gay slur. I have been to three dinner parties in the last year. Two of them were held by two different Gay couples I have come to know in recent years. I had a great time and could not care less about their lifestyle. It's none of my damn business. I chose to see them as individuals, not members of any one group or subgroup. I would appreciate the same consideration as a middle aged, white, straight, Conservative. P.S. Two of the couples are Conservative minded. I have no idea about the third. Politics never came up in our very enjoyable conversations and I wouldn't have cared anyway. Like I said - I saw them as individuals.
My wife's step father is from Mexico. He is one of the hardest working and nicest people I have ever met. Antonio would give you the shirt of his back and consider it bad manners to ask for it back. He came to this country without knowing a word of English. He taught himself - made a life here and became an American citizen a couple years ago. It wasn't easy for him here. I wonder if I would have prospered as well if I had moved to another country with such a disadvantage. I'm very proud of him. He may love his Mexican heritage - as he should. But he flies the American flag outside his doorstep. And still, I want our southern border secured! It's not about racism. It's about national security and the rule of law. I'd feel the same way about securing our northern border if 20 million pasty white Canadians were secreting across it.
I shouldn't have to defend myself against racist remarks from an elected official much less a television host. But that's what it's come to. And I wont sit idly by and have them take shots against me of others who believe as I do without responding. Our founding fathers didn't believe in the "state". They believed in the individual. That's why the Constitution is filled with individual rights. And I choose to see people as individuals. Not straight or gay. Black or white. Christian, Jew or Atheist. Not even as Conservative or Liberal. America is a tapestry. Each strand is bound together to make one incredible strong piece of fabric greater than the sum of its individual strands. And yet, it is those individual strands that allows for the strength of that tapestry. E Pluribus Unum. "Out of many - ONE".
Between a Mosque & a hard place
We've all heard of the phrase - "A teachable moment". Mostly President Obama uses this phrase. He used it when the Harvard Professor was arrested by the Cambridge Police last year. He said that the police acted "stupidly" and THIS was a teachable moment for all of us. The teaching had to do with racists cops I guess. Or maybe it was self-righteous college professors who don't act appropriately when the police ask them simple questions. There have been other "teachable moments" since then and I have a feeling that we're going to be instructed in a lot of teachable moments over the next two years. The latest teachable moment has to do with the New York Mosque slated to be built two blocks from the World Trade Center site. I've heard all about how the Muslim community has the 'right' to build a mosque there. Clearly, they do. But as Jeff Goldblum suggested in 1993's "Jurasic Park" - "you were so obsessed with the fact that you COULD do it, no one asked if you SHOULD do it". I find that logic works well here too. New York City currently has over 100 Mosques. No one pickets them, throw dog duty at them or flies commercial aircraft into them. They have been part of the New York landscape for quite some time. Contrary to what President Obama or others think, the fact that they exist in our cities is NOT a sign of religious tolerance. Mainly because Americans of other faiths don't find it necessary to 'tolerate' Muslims any more than we 'tolerate' hay fever or baseball's infield fly rule. The fact is they exist. And Americans of all backgrounds don't even think about religious temples of others faiths on a daily basis. Unlike most Muslim countries, religious freedom in America is absolute. The liberals tried to make this a first amendment issue, as if Americans are trying to deny Muslims a place of prayer. Nice try, but this is about sensitivity. If the builders of this mosque seek better relations with non-Muslim Americans, I can think of no better way to do so than by showing sensitivity to 911 victims families and build the mosque elsewhere. The island of Manhattan is about 40 square miles. I would think that somewhere in this Gotham a suitable site could be found. And considering how expensive lower Manhattan real estate is, they could save a boatload of cash too. Speaking of money, soon to be "ex-Speaker of the House", Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation into who is financing the opposition the the Mosque. Really? Well, Nancy I haven't given any money to any opposition group (yet) but I would think long & hard about demonizing the 73% of Americans who are opposed to the Mosque at Ground Zero. Although it may be a good idea to find out who is financing the project. There appears to be less-than-honest openness into the financing of the Mosque. In Muslim history, they've often built Mosques at the sites of historical military victories. I don't know if that is the intention here. But I have to wonder why a Mosque is being built in New Yorks most expensive location, which just happens to be a Tiger Woods T-shot away from Ground Zero - especially when you consider there are no nearby residential neighborhoods that would support a Mosque. I'm just sayin'.
Greece. The canary in the mine.
Back in the old days when miners ventured deep into the darkness to extract coal, they use to bring a canary in a cage with them. Since carbon monoxide was colorless, odorless and tasteless they needed another way to detect that they were about to be poisoned. Here's a clue - don't get too attached to the canary. Since the bird was much more susceptible to the effects of carbon monoxide than a man, they knew that when the bird was dead - they were about to join him. Just enough time to make a harried and not so graceful exit to the surface. There are all kinds of "canaries in the mine". The most recent is Greece. You may have heard that Greece is about to go bankrupt. Their debt to GNP ratio is so out of whack, their entitlements so over the top, they are in serious fear of defaulting. And Greece isn't alone. They're just the first. Italy, Germany and Great Britain are in the waiting room. And the United States is in the parking lot. How does this happen? Well, first of all it begins with a blind faith and trust in government. Remember, these politicians are public servants - just like the mailman who delivers your electric bill. Your mailman may be a swell guy but do you want him running the economy? The biggest difference is that your mailman can't satiate you with pork barrel spending and promise huge entitlements that can't possibly be paid for. Well, in Greece the entitlements are really huge. For instance, you can retire at age 53. From that one bit of information you can just imagine how fast and furious it goes downhill from here. When the government decided that changes needed to be made in their spending and entitlement programs, many Greeks revolted in the streets as though smashing windows and overturning cars was a solid "Plan B". Imagine telling Americans that Social Security recipients in the future will have to expect reduced benefits and work longer to get them. Or that Medicare entitlements will have to be trimmed. You may not have to imagine it. The truth is that decades of spending money we don't have will force such measures to be taken. It wont be easy or popular. And the "Big Government" types will surely use it as en excuse to expand governmental powers even more - as if the same people who created this mess are actually capable of cleaning it up. If that argument held any validity wouldn't they have done it already? Offering sweet entitlements to constituents may be a great avenue to re-election but a hell of a lousy way to run an economy. We've been drunk on seemingly free government booze for too long and the morning after is on the horizon. The founding fathers (yes, the old white guys with powdered wigs) had it right over 200 years ago. They warned against over spending and financial reliance from the federal government. They wrote that such public debt would strangle our economy,burden future generations and be a threat to our very liberty. Jefferson wrote that each generation had a responsibility to hand over the country debt free to the generation that followed - that to do otherwise was robbery. He was right. I doubt many Americans will take to the streets in violence such as the Greeks have done but they wont be happy. They'll look to find someone to blame and there will be no shortage of culpable villains. But perhaps we'll be honest enough to take a look in the mirror first. Our national apathy and neglect as citizens to hold elected officials accountable have made this mess possible. And we have grown accustom to the generous benefits that have been lavished upon us - pretending that all those programs we love are paid for by someone else. No matter how you look at it, the canary looks quite ill. The question is - can we get him enough fresh air lest he takes his last breath?
Have some tea. I'll put the kettle on.
The Tea Party held rallies across America yesterday. The "left" reacted as though Satan himself had appeared in the Vatican gift shop. The newest technique the left is using to discredit the Tea Party (or any group who opposes their agenda) is to label them "potentially violent". I find this interesting considering that leftwingers are horrified when someone suggests that profiling any group of people is a hateful and demeaning activity, but apparently aren't so disgusted when they employ the technique to malign the opposition. Tens of thousands of people attended the Tea Partys nationally on Wednesday at hundreds of locations. I did a Google search and found that there was only one arrest at these events yesterday. One. When was the last time leftwingers held a rally and dropped a lower number in the arrest total? They're usually in double digits before the paint is dry on their Anti-American posters. A few years back George Bush was hung in effigy and burned at numerous liberal anti-Bush rallies. Don't believe me? Go to "Google Images" and google BUSH HUNG IN EFFIGY. You wont believe the images spewed on the first page alone. Go ahead. I'll wait. This is the compassionate 'left'. Lovely, aren't they? And yet the liberals are concerned when someone holds up a sign at a Tea Party rally calling Obama a socialist. Well, he is but that's for another blog entry. The left wing's freedom of speech right is no greater, nor is it more protected than the right wings. It's just more hate filled. Rather than debate issues, they prefer to shout down the opposition or try to link their opponents to non-existent violence. Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC's "Hardball" attempted to make this link on his show today. It's a dangerous lie to try and spread but since only 8 or 9 people actually watch his show, the damage was limited. Another NBC reporter asked a black Tea Party member is he felt "odd" or "out of place" among the crowd. Was that a racist remark? Of course! It implied that blacks could not possibly be concerned about a government who's spending is out of control and who's tentacles of power appear to be ever expanding. In every group there are extremists and kooks. That's a given. But those of us who dare oppose the Omnipotent Barak Obama are labeled as potential threats to the state. This is beyond dangerous. It's frightening and it attempts to undermine dissent. With a main stream media as a willing accomplice,this administration may feel invulnerable. But as November looms on the horizon, we dissidents can take the first step in reclaiming our country from the socialist agenda. With a single vote.
That pesky Constitution
Unless the Almighty Himself intercedes - the Democrat's version of Health Care Reform will pass sometime in the next few days. I can only hope the Deity isn't busy doing something else important in the Universe, because we really need him on this one. This bill isn't about Health care. It's about power. It's about extending federal control into yet another place it has no business. It's about laying the groundwork for phase 2 of the Obama Socialist agenda. There, I said it. Is he a Socialist? Well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... Using his own words, this is only the "beginning", with the ultimate goal of single payer health care administered by the feds. Say goodbye to private health care. Say goodbye to true choice & competition. And say hello to "Sir, may I please have that operation?" With half a trillion dollars being cut in Medicare and billions in new taxes on individuals and employers, this bill will be among the largest ever enacted in American, possibly world history. More than 50% of our federal budget is entitlement programs and nearly every one is hemorrhaging money being funded on the backs of future generations and IOUs. Medicare and Social Security lead the way. True "choice and competition" could have been achieved by allowing insurance companies to sell policies across state lines. Yet the Democrats never considered that. Why? Wouldn't competition from companies in 49 other states be very competitive and keep costs contained if not lowered? Common sense tell us "yes". So what does that tell you? No. Only the federal government led by Democrats knows what's best for us and can provide.
I am reminded of the words of George Washington - "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence - it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master". Thomas Jefferson understood that power could be manipulated. He said that in questions of power, men could not be trusted and should be " Bound down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution". I am afraid of incremental interference from elected officials acting on our behalf. In Chicago for example, political leaders are considering, in effect, abolishing the second amendment - the right to keep and bear arms. Because of an upswing in gun violence there, they want to ban ownership of firearms by private citizens. (Never mind that criminals usually don't obey laws anyway, hence they are "Criminals".) But more disturbing is this - if Chicago believes they have the right over the Federal Constitution to reject the second amendment, what other amendments do they believe they can ignore or abolish? The freedom speech? The right to a speedy trial? The right against self incrimination? Sound ridiculous? It might be if it weren't be discussed by legitimately elected officials with power.
Soon, the Democratic controlled congress will use a series of little known and seldom used rules to shove a massive sea change piece of legislation down our throats. Trillions of dollars from now they will tell us that it was in our best interest. But it wont stop there. Similar tactics will be utilized to enact changes in an Immigration bill, allowing millions of illegal aliens to stay in America and become enrolled in Obamacare. The dependency on "government" will grow. At some point there will be no stopping it and we will become a Western European style socialist democracy. The State will be come our new God and father. And we can then look longingly back at the words of James Madison - "I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation - this danger ought to be wisely guarded against."
I am reminded of the words of George Washington - "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence - it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master". Thomas Jefferson understood that power could be manipulated. He said that in questions of power, men could not be trusted and should be " Bound down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution". I am afraid of incremental interference from elected officials acting on our behalf. In Chicago for example, political leaders are considering, in effect, abolishing the second amendment - the right to keep and bear arms. Because of an upswing in gun violence there, they want to ban ownership of firearms by private citizens. (Never mind that criminals usually don't obey laws anyway, hence they are "Criminals".) But more disturbing is this - if Chicago believes they have the right over the Federal Constitution to reject the second amendment, what other amendments do they believe they can ignore or abolish? The freedom speech? The right to a speedy trial? The right against self incrimination? Sound ridiculous? It might be if it weren't be discussed by legitimately elected officials with power.
Soon, the Democratic controlled congress will use a series of little known and seldom used rules to shove a massive sea change piece of legislation down our throats. Trillions of dollars from now they will tell us that it was in our best interest. But it wont stop there. Similar tactics will be utilized to enact changes in an Immigration bill, allowing millions of illegal aliens to stay in America and become enrolled in Obamacare. The dependency on "government" will grow. At some point there will be no stopping it and we will become a Western European style socialist democracy. The State will be come our new God and father. And we can then look longingly back at the words of James Madison - "I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation - this danger ought to be wisely guarded against."
The Apology Tour is over. Please exit the country.
I was recently introduced to a video of Ronald Reagan at the GOP National Convention from 1964. I was only 7 at the time so even if I was allowed to stay up late that night to watch his speech, I probably wouldn't have been able to appreciate it. But after having lived under administrations the likes of Jimmy Carter and most recently Barak Obama, I have an even greater affection for the man and his character that was Ronald Reagan. If you're interested in viewing it, click on the link here; It's only a bit over 4 and half minutes long and light years from the staged performances we've heard from the Presidential podium of late.
I thought of the World Apology Tour that President Obama embarked upon a few months back. While in Europe, he spoke of American arrogance - of our indifference to the world view and how we have acted without great thought in the past. Apparently we just haven't done enough to make the world a better place. In fact, according to him we've contributed far more than our share to it's demise. We pollute more. We consume more. We strangle economies. We endanger indigenous people. We... well you get the idea. We make Darth Vader look good. America bashing has been a popular sport in recent years. I just never thought I'd hear it from an American president. It was a speech that angered many Americans and rightly so. I got to thinking - "what sort of speech would Reagan have made?" How would he have spoken to our European "friends". What would he have said to them and their people - the Europeans who seem to have forgotten America's sacrifices on their behalf and millions of others throughout the globe? How would he have gotten them to show their support for an America at war with Islamic Fascism? I read some of our 40th president's speeches, watched some old video. And I think he might have reminded the world that while we have not been perfect, we have spilled the blood of our young men & women on the soil of foreign nations, time and time again - never in the pursuit of land to conquer but only asking for enough soil to bury our dead warriors. The American military cemeteries in France bear witness to this. We have spent our national treasure in lives and money to free millions who have lived under oppressive regimes and tyrants - and have never asked to be repaid. Today Europe is free from the Atlantic to the Balkins because America drew a line in the sand the Soviets dared not cross. Japan was not made subservient to America post WWII but lifted up from the ravages of a war they started, using American money, protection and effort. Then we shouldered the burden in the cold war knowing it was the right thing to do. While the enemies of freedom built walls to keep their people in, we stood fast - making certain that eventually those walls would tumble - adding communism to the ash heap of histories fallen and failed oppressive ideologies. Today the enemy we face is Islamic Fascism masquerading under the guise of religion. And though this new enemy has no armoured column of tanks in it's arsenal, they are no less dangerous than the tyrants who threatened us in the past. We have seen the lengths to which they will go in their pursuit of power and dominance. We witnessed the brutality they employed upon our own shores on September 11th. We know what they are capable of. And we know that they will not stop until we unite and make it our mission to neutralize them. And make no mistake - this is not America's fight. But the World's fight. We have stood shoulder to shoulder before. We have won. Together we have banished the enemies of freedom and liberty and history calls upon us to do so again. If we falter. If we fail. We will doom ourselves and future generations to life under increasing attacks by an emboldened enemy who will never cease in pursuit of it's evil designs. Today the enemy is hidden and in plain sight around the world. But the battlefield and base of operations is Afghanistan. Here in this desolate landscape there are no fronts to speak of. No advancing or retreating army to engage. They attack in ways not encountered in previous wars. They are stealthy. And our superior firepower alone is not enough to defeat them, but they can and must be defeated. We need not inflate this enemy to some supernatural proportions. Are they greater than Hitler's Nazi machine? Do they strike greater fear than the Imperial Japanese did? Haven't we seen the power of Communism melt throughout the lands? Weren't the Soviets dispatched without a shot being fired? No, this new enemy is no different. Not really. We have seen their type before. Their ability to inflict pain and fear is no greater than those who came before... and fell. We have dispatched their type before. And we shall do so again. So, the real question is - is Europe with us? Will you stand with us yet again? Which side of history will you align yourself with? Are you prepared for victory or have you resigned yourselves to defeat? With America at your side, you will have no greater friend. And our opponents will have no greater enemy.
Yeah. He might have said something like that. God, I miss Reagan. Now THAT was a President.
I thought of the World Apology Tour that President Obama embarked upon a few months back. While in Europe, he spoke of American arrogance - of our indifference to the world view and how we have acted without great thought in the past. Apparently we just haven't done enough to make the world a better place. In fact, according to him we've contributed far more than our share to it's demise. We pollute more. We consume more. We strangle economies. We endanger indigenous people. We... well you get the idea. We make Darth Vader look good. America bashing has been a popular sport in recent years. I just never thought I'd hear it from an American president. It was a speech that angered many Americans and rightly so. I got to thinking - "what sort of speech would Reagan have made?" How would he have spoken to our European "friends". What would he have said to them and their people - the Europeans who seem to have forgotten America's sacrifices on their behalf and millions of others throughout the globe? How would he have gotten them to show their support for an America at war with Islamic Fascism? I read some of our 40th president's speeches, watched some old video. And I think he might have reminded the world that while we have not been perfect, we have spilled the blood of our young men & women on the soil of foreign nations, time and time again - never in the pursuit of land to conquer but only asking for enough soil to bury our dead warriors. The American military cemeteries in France bear witness to this. We have spent our national treasure in lives and money to free millions who have lived under oppressive regimes and tyrants - and have never asked to be repaid. Today Europe is free from the Atlantic to the Balkins because America drew a line in the sand the Soviets dared not cross. Japan was not made subservient to America post WWII but lifted up from the ravages of a war they started, using American money, protection and effort. Then we shouldered the burden in the cold war knowing it was the right thing to do. While the enemies of freedom built walls to keep their people in, we stood fast - making certain that eventually those walls would tumble - adding communism to the ash heap of histories fallen and failed oppressive ideologies. Today the enemy we face is Islamic Fascism masquerading under the guise of religion. And though this new enemy has no armoured column of tanks in it's arsenal, they are no less dangerous than the tyrants who threatened us in the past. We have seen the lengths to which they will go in their pursuit of power and dominance. We witnessed the brutality they employed upon our own shores on September 11th. We know what they are capable of. And we know that they will not stop until we unite and make it our mission to neutralize them. And make no mistake - this is not America's fight. But the World's fight. We have stood shoulder to shoulder before. We have won. Together we have banished the enemies of freedom and liberty and history calls upon us to do so again. If we falter. If we fail. We will doom ourselves and future generations to life under increasing attacks by an emboldened enemy who will never cease in pursuit of it's evil designs. Today the enemy is hidden and in plain sight around the world. But the battlefield and base of operations is Afghanistan. Here in this desolate landscape there are no fronts to speak of. No advancing or retreating army to engage. They attack in ways not encountered in previous wars. They are stealthy. And our superior firepower alone is not enough to defeat them, but they can and must be defeated. We need not inflate this enemy to some supernatural proportions. Are they greater than Hitler's Nazi machine? Do they strike greater fear than the Imperial Japanese did? Haven't we seen the power of Communism melt throughout the lands? Weren't the Soviets dispatched without a shot being fired? No, this new enemy is no different. Not really. We have seen their type before. Their ability to inflict pain and fear is no greater than those who came before... and fell. We have dispatched their type before. And we shall do so again. So, the real question is - is Europe with us? Will you stand with us yet again? Which side of history will you align yourself with? Are you prepared for victory or have you resigned yourselves to defeat? With America at your side, you will have no greater friend. And our opponents will have no greater enemy.
Yeah. He might have said something like that. God, I miss Reagan. Now THAT was a President.
Tea for two...or 300 million
This weekend in Nashville, the Tea Party will hold it's first ever national convention. The party has received much attention this past year. In less than one year of existence, they have been able to muster a national grassroots effort that has no equal in American history. They filled the National Mall back in September displaying their disgust with business-as-usual Washington. Their support helped Scott Brown win the bluest seat in the bluest state. Most Democrats hate them, Republicans fear them and Independents embrace them. But exactly who and what constitutes a Tea Party member? What motivates them? They're angry, sure. But at who and why? The tip off is the historical flag they claimed for their cause. The Gadsden flag. Most people simply know it as the "DONT TREAD ON ME" flag. The coiled snake advising those who would cross it to think twice. I wont bore you with the history lesson that goes along with that flag & motto. You can "Google" that. All you need to know is that it goes back to our proud revolutionary roots. (Our forefathers didn't much like being pushed around either) Yep, the Tea Party members feel that they've been ignored by a federal government that has spent too much, taxed too much, intruded upon us too much and usurped power far beyond what is constitutional. And you know what? I couldn't agree more.
While it's safe to say that most Tea Partiers are Conservatives and therefore mostly Republican in nature - that would ignore the large amount of Independents who have found a home there. Not to mention newly disenfranchised Democrats. They're mad as hell and just like the line in the movie, they're not going to take it anymore! They have motivated and mobilized the movement without money from big oil or big unions. They have no national spokesperson or singular leader. They have massed power simply with a message and support from average Americans from both parties and every walk of life. They are truly an American invention born out of necessity. Their voices weren't being heard. Now they can not be drowned out. The left-leaning press tried to marginalize them as gun toting, bible thumping right-wing kooks. But that didn't work. They tried to tie them to radical agendas like... the Constitution. The press looked weak and hateful and the party partied on.
What's next
The real question is, what happens now? Clearly the party is a force to be reckoned with. As the next few months pass, questions will arise as to exactly what is the near and far future of the movement. Will they attempt to field candidates under the Tea Party banner? Is a third party in the offing? What would be the effect of a Third party?
Currently, I don't think that the Tea Party is seriously considering itself as a third party option. Not yet. I believe that option would doom Conservative Republican candidates and end up strengthening Democrats as votes are siphoned off to the Tea Party candidate. A clear case of that "cutting off your nose to spite your face" thing. The fact is that the Tea Party is actually stronger without fielding their own candidates. They can use their growing influence to screen Republican candidates and nominate true ideological Conservatives who will govern within the limits of the Constitution. Although many members will tell you that they are as equally upset with Republicans who have lost their way as Democrats who never knew the way - they must know that true change will happen under the Republican banner. Steering the party to the right will be where their influence takes effect.
A message of fiscal restraint, strong national defense, limited government, individual and states' rights have been a powerful message before. It launched our nation. But somewhere along the line special interests and corruption have made us weak and debt ridden. We are at a crossroads where the decision to expand the role of a failed progressive ideology or return to a limited role for government must be made. Clearly, one ideology or the other is failed. And clearly the Tea Party has made it's decision which one it is. So have I. I fly the Gadsden from my front door and the decal on my car. I usually drink coffee. But I think I could learn to like tea.
While it's safe to say that most Tea Partiers are Conservatives and therefore mostly Republican in nature - that would ignore the large amount of Independents who have found a home there. Not to mention newly disenfranchised Democrats. They're mad as hell and just like the line in the movie, they're not going to take it anymore! They have motivated and mobilized the movement without money from big oil or big unions. They have no national spokesperson or singular leader. They have massed power simply with a message and support from average Americans from both parties and every walk of life. They are truly an American invention born out of necessity. Their voices weren't being heard. Now they can not be drowned out. The left-leaning press tried to marginalize them as gun toting, bible thumping right-wing kooks. But that didn't work. They tried to tie them to radical agendas like... the Constitution. The press looked weak and hateful and the party partied on.
What's next
The real question is, what happens now? Clearly the party is a force to be reckoned with. As the next few months pass, questions will arise as to exactly what is the near and far future of the movement. Will they attempt to field candidates under the Tea Party banner? Is a third party in the offing? What would be the effect of a Third party?
Currently, I don't think that the Tea Party is seriously considering itself as a third party option. Not yet. I believe that option would doom Conservative Republican candidates and end up strengthening Democrats as votes are siphoned off to the Tea Party candidate. A clear case of that "cutting off your nose to spite your face" thing. The fact is that the Tea Party is actually stronger without fielding their own candidates. They can use their growing influence to screen Republican candidates and nominate true ideological Conservatives who will govern within the limits of the Constitution. Although many members will tell you that they are as equally upset with Republicans who have lost their way as Democrats who never knew the way - they must know that true change will happen under the Republican banner. Steering the party to the right will be where their influence takes effect.
A message of fiscal restraint, strong national defense, limited government, individual and states' rights have been a powerful message before. It launched our nation. But somewhere along the line special interests and corruption have made us weak and debt ridden. We are at a crossroads where the decision to expand the role of a failed progressive ideology or return to a limited role for government must be made. Clearly, one ideology or the other is failed. And clearly the Tea Party has made it's decision which one it is. So have I. I fly the Gadsden from my front door and the decal on my car. I usually drink coffee. But I think I could learn to like tea.
Powdered Wigs & Unattended Gardens
Pick up the phone.
My 14 year old niece recently called me and asked me to help her with her homework. The assignment? Questions about the U.S. Constitution. I felt like a hungry little fat kid being driven to a McDonalds. So eager. So ready. I didn't think they taught the constitution in school anymore. I was sure that it was now viewed as a relic from another time that was hardly relevant any more. Sure, it was a nice concept back in 1787, but today... well, we're so much more advanced than those guys in powdered wigs. As I answered questions ranging from "when was the Constitution adopted" to "how many states does it take to amend the constitution" , I was happy that I actually knew most of the answers without referring to Wikipedia. Most.
The Bill of Rights, or the "Top Ten of 1787"
Those old white guys knew a thing or two about human nature. They understood that some things are timeless -like tyranny and oppression. Those first ten amendments are stated, in part, as a guardian against such oppression. They state very clearly, the rights of the people and they are there to protect the people, not the government. They are constructed so that no one person, party or ideology can corrupt them. The words in that document are quite possibly the closest man can ever come to the mind of God, without assuming we actually know the mind of God. We are guaranteed the right of free speech. The right to worship as each of us sees fit and the right to protect those freedoms with arms, from an oppressive government if necessary. I asked my niece to take a look at the Constitution very closely and take notice of the placement of the right to free speech and the right to bear arms . They are in fact, the 1st and 2nd amendments. This was no accident. The founding fathers knew exactly what they were doing. They understood that any people who did not possess the right guaranteed in the second amendment, could never obtain and keep the first. And without the abilities that the second amendment gives them, they will surely lose both.
Take a look around the world today. There are no people who are truly free that do not possess both privileges. China has no right to freedom of speech and no right to bear arms. Cuba? The same. North Korea? Ditto. You get the idea. In fact, every fascist dictator from Stalin and Hitler through Saddam and Chavez employed this idea - once the people are disarmed of weapons they are disarmed of their ability to protect and defend their rights from their oppressors. Very little has changed in 230 plus years when it comes to human nature. Smart guys those founding fathers.
The founding fathers had a great distrust of government, calling it "an evil necessity, at best". They understood human nature and the nature of humans. And such nature dictated that they be prudent in the powers they gave a government - even one ruled by elected officials. I'm not big on conspiracy theories but I do think it shows prudence to make sure that our constitutional rights are not victims of incremental theft. If there's a stench in the air it's probably because somewhere -something is rotting. Something that was left untended by an absent gardener or ignored for too long by an apathetic public. In recent years, I have smelled such an odor. It grows more foul every day. And I fear that without the tending required by each of us, the stench may overpower us.
My 14 year old niece recently called me and asked me to help her with her homework. The assignment? Questions about the U.S. Constitution. I felt like a hungry little fat kid being driven to a McDonalds. So eager. So ready. I didn't think they taught the constitution in school anymore. I was sure that it was now viewed as a relic from another time that was hardly relevant any more. Sure, it was a nice concept back in 1787, but today... well, we're so much more advanced than those guys in powdered wigs. As I answered questions ranging from "when was the Constitution adopted" to "how many states does it take to amend the constitution" , I was happy that I actually knew most of the answers without referring to Wikipedia. Most.
The Bill of Rights, or the "Top Ten of 1787"
Those old white guys knew a thing or two about human nature. They understood that some things are timeless -like tyranny and oppression. Those first ten amendments are stated, in part, as a guardian against such oppression. They state very clearly, the rights of the people and they are there to protect the people, not the government. They are constructed so that no one person, party or ideology can corrupt them. The words in that document are quite possibly the closest man can ever come to the mind of God, without assuming we actually know the mind of God. We are guaranteed the right of free speech. The right to worship as each of us sees fit and the right to protect those freedoms with arms, from an oppressive government if necessary. I asked my niece to take a look at the Constitution very closely and take notice of the placement of the right to free speech and the right to bear arms . They are in fact, the 1st and 2nd amendments. This was no accident. The founding fathers knew exactly what they were doing. They understood that any people who did not possess the right guaranteed in the second amendment, could never obtain and keep the first. And without the abilities that the second amendment gives them, they will surely lose both.
Take a look around the world today. There are no people who are truly free that do not possess both privileges. China has no right to freedom of speech and no right to bear arms. Cuba? The same. North Korea? Ditto. You get the idea. In fact, every fascist dictator from Stalin and Hitler through Saddam and Chavez employed this idea - once the people are disarmed of weapons they are disarmed of their ability to protect and defend their rights from their oppressors. Very little has changed in 230 plus years when it comes to human nature. Smart guys those founding fathers.
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