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The Apology Tour is over. Please exit the country.

I was recently introduced to a video of Ronald Reagan at the GOP National Convention from 1964. I was only 7 at the time so even if I was allowed to stay up late that night to watch his speech, I probably wouldn't have been able to appreciate it. But after having lived under administrations the likes of Jimmy Carter and most recently Barak Obama, I have an even greater affection for the man and his character that was Ronald Reagan. If you're interested in viewing it, click on the link here; It's only a bit over 4 and half minutes long and light years from the staged performances we've heard from the Presidential podium of late.
I thought of the World Apology Tour that President Obama embarked upon a few months back. While in Europe, he spoke of American arrogance - of our indifference to the world view and how we have acted without great thought in the past. Apparently we just haven't done enough to make the world a better place. In fact, according to him we've contributed far more than our share to it's demise. We pollute more. We consume more. We strangle economies. We endanger indigenous people. We... well you get the idea. We make Darth Vader look good. America bashing has been a popular sport in recent years. I just never thought I'd hear it from an American president. It was a speech that angered many Americans and rightly so. I got to thinking - "what sort of speech would Reagan have made?" How would he have spoken to our European "friends". What would he have said to them and their people - the Europeans who seem to have forgotten America's sacrifices on their behalf and millions of others throughout the globe? How would he have gotten them to show their support for an America at war with Islamic Fascism? I read some of our 40th president's speeches, watched some old video. And I think he might have reminded the world that while we have not been perfect, we have spilled the blood of our young men & women on the soil of foreign nations, time and time again - never in the pursuit of land to conquer but only asking for enough soil to bury our dead warriors. The American military cemeteries in France bear witness to this. We have spent our national treasure in lives and money to free millions who have lived under oppressive regimes and tyrants - and have never asked to be repaid. Today Europe is free from the Atlantic to the Balkins because America drew a line in the sand the Soviets dared not cross. Japan was not made subservient to America post WWII but lifted up from the ravages of a war they started, using American money, protection and effort. Then we shouldered the burden in the cold war knowing it was the right thing to do. While the enemies of freedom built walls to keep their people in, we stood fast - making certain that eventually those walls would tumble - adding communism to the ash heap of histories fallen and failed oppressive ideologies. Today the enemy we face is Islamic Fascism masquerading under the guise of religion. And though this new enemy has no armoured column of tanks in it's arsenal, they are no less dangerous than the tyrants who threatened us in the past. We have seen the lengths to which they will go in their pursuit of power and dominance. We witnessed the brutality they employed upon our own shores on September 11th. We know what they are capable of. And we know that they will not stop until we unite and make it our mission to neutralize them. And make no mistake - this is not America's fight. But the World's fight. We have stood shoulder to shoulder before. We have won. Together we have banished the enemies of freedom and liberty and history calls upon us to do so again. If we falter. If we fail. We will doom ourselves and future generations to life under increasing attacks by an emboldened enemy who will never cease in pursuit of it's evil designs. Today the enemy is hidden and in plain sight around the world. But the battlefield and base of operations is Afghanistan. Here in this desolate landscape there are no fronts to speak of. No advancing or retreating army to engage. They attack in ways not encountered in previous wars. They are stealthy. And our superior firepower alone is not enough to defeat them, but they can and must be defeated. We need not inflate this enemy to some supernatural proportions. Are they greater than Hitler's Nazi machine? Do they strike greater fear than the Imperial Japanese did? Haven't we seen the power of Communism melt throughout the lands? Weren't the Soviets dispatched without a shot being fired? No, this new enemy is no different. Not really. We have seen their type before. Their ability to inflict pain and fear is no greater than those who came before... and fell. We have dispatched their type before. And we shall do so again. So, the real question is - is Europe with us? Will you stand with us yet again? Which side of history will you align yourself with? Are you prepared for victory or have you resigned yourselves to defeat? With America at your side, you will have no greater friend. And our opponents will have no greater enemy.

Yeah. He might have said something like that. God, I miss Reagan. Now THAT was a President.

Tea for two...or 300 million

This weekend in Nashville, the Tea Party will hold it's first ever national convention. The party has received much attention this past year. In less than one year of existence, they have been able to muster a national grassroots effort that has no equal in American history. They filled the National Mall back in September displaying their disgust with business-as-usual Washington. Their support helped Scott Brown win the bluest seat in the bluest state. Most Democrats hate them, Republicans fear them and Independents embrace them. But exactly who and what constitutes a Tea Party member? What motivates them? They're angry, sure. But at who and why? The tip off is the historical flag they claimed for their cause. The Gadsden flag. Most people simply know it as the "DONT TREAD ON ME" flag. The coiled snake advising those who would cross it to think twice. I wont bore you with the history lesson that goes along with that flag & motto. You can "Google" that. All you need to know is that it goes back to our proud revolutionary roots. (Our forefathers didn't much like being pushed around either) Yep, the Tea Party members feel that they've been ignored by a federal government that has spent too much, taxed too much, intruded upon us too much and usurped power far beyond what is constitutional. And you know what? I couldn't agree more.
While it's safe to say that most Tea Partiers are Conservatives and therefore mostly Republican in nature - that would ignore the large amount of Independents who have found a home there. Not to mention newly disenfranchised Democrats. They're mad as hell and just like the line in the movie, they're not going to take it anymore! They have motivated and mobilized the movement without money from big oil or big unions. They have no national spokesperson or singular leader. They have massed power simply with a message and support from average Americans from both parties and every walk of life. They are truly an American invention born out of necessity. Their voices weren't being heard. Now they can not be drowned out. The left-leaning press tried to marginalize them as gun toting, bible thumping right-wing kooks. But that didn't work. They tried to tie them to radical agendas like... the Constitution. The press looked weak and hateful and the party partied on.

What's next

The real question is, what happens now? Clearly the party is a force to be reckoned with. As the next few months pass, questions will arise as to exactly what is the near and far future of the movement. Will they attempt to field candidates under the Tea Party banner? Is a third party in the offing? What would be the effect of a Third party?
Currently, I don't think that the Tea Party is seriously considering itself as a third party option. Not yet. I believe that option would doom Conservative Republican candidates and end up strengthening Democrats as votes are siphoned off to the Tea Party candidate. A clear case of that "cutting off your nose to spite your face" thing. The fact is that the Tea Party is actually stronger without fielding their own candidates. They can use their growing influence to screen Republican candidates and nominate true ideological Conservatives who will govern within the limits of the Constitution. Although many members will tell you that they are as equally upset with Republicans who have lost their way as Democrats who never knew the way - they must know that true change will happen under the Republican banner. Steering the party to the right will be where their influence takes effect.
A message of fiscal restraint, strong national defense, limited government, individual and states' rights have been a powerful message before. It launched our nation. But somewhere along the line special interests and corruption have made us weak and debt ridden. We are at a crossroads where the decision to expand the role of a failed progressive ideology or return to a limited role for government must be made. Clearly, one ideology or the other is failed. And clearly the Tea Party has made it's decision which one it is. So have I. I fly the Gadsden from my front door and the decal on my car. I usually drink coffee. But I think I could learn to like tea.