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Have some tea. I'll put the kettle on.

The Tea Party held rallies across America yesterday. The "left" reacted as though Satan himself had appeared in the Vatican gift shop. The newest technique the left is using to discredit the Tea Party (or any group who opposes their agenda) is to label them "potentially violent". I find this interesting considering that leftwingers are horrified when someone suggests that profiling any group of people is a hateful and demeaning activity, but apparently aren't so disgusted when they employ the technique to malign the opposition. Tens of thousands of people attended the Tea Partys nationally on Wednesday at hundreds of locations. I did a Google search and found that there was only one arrest at these events yesterday. One. When was the last time leftwingers held a rally and dropped a lower number in the arrest total? They're usually in double digits before the paint is dry on their Anti-American posters. A few years back George Bush was hung in effigy and burned at numerous liberal anti-Bush rallies. Don't believe me? Go to "Google Images" and google BUSH HUNG IN EFFIGY. You wont believe the images spewed on the first page alone. Go ahead. I'll wait. This is the compassionate 'left'. Lovely, aren't they? And yet the liberals are concerned when someone holds up a sign at a Tea Party rally calling Obama a socialist. Well, he is but that's for another blog entry. The left wing's freedom of speech right is no greater, nor is it more protected than the right wings. It's just more hate filled. Rather than debate issues, they prefer to shout down the opposition or try to link their opponents to non-existent violence. Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC's "Hardball" attempted to make this link on his show today. It's a dangerous lie to try and spread but since only 8 or 9 people actually watch his show, the damage was limited. Another NBC reporter asked a black Tea Party member is he felt "odd" or "out of place" among the crowd. Was that a racist remark? Of course! It implied that blacks could not possibly be concerned about a government who's spending is out of control and who's tentacles of power appear to be ever expanding. In every group there are extremists and kooks. That's a given. But those of us who dare oppose the Omnipotent Barak Obama are labeled as potential threats to the state. This is beyond dangerous. It's frightening and it attempts to undermine dissent. With a main stream media as a willing accomplice,this administration may feel invulnerable. But as November looms on the horizon, we dissidents can take the first step in reclaiming our country from the socialist agenda. With a single vote.