It's 1977. Global temperatures have been on the decline since 1940. Nobody disputes this. Not the scientists at MIT. Not the intellectual elites of highly touted eastern liberal universities. Not even Al Gore. It can't be denied any more. The facts are just so impressive and undeniable. And to deny the facts in evidence are to expose your idiocy. Nope, the studies are in and the "experts" all agree -global cooling is real! Such is what we were informed in 1977. Could the experts be so wrong, so misinformed or misguided? And if they are, were they wrong then or now? Allow me to clear the confusion. First of all - climate change is real. Of course it is. The global climate has always been changing. At various times in the Earth's history, tropical forests once flourished were deserts now take residence. Ocean temperatures and levels have risen and fallen. And glaciers have advanced and retreated many times - all before man ever appeared upon the planet. Sorry to break this news to you but man isn't responsible for the fluctuations in the Earth's climate. Sure, we've been told that our carbon dioxide levels have risen and created the greenhouse effect that is raising the planet's temperature. But Co2 accounts for less than 2% of the Earth's atmospheric makeup. The number one greenhouse gas is water vapor. Just try doing without that. We've all seen the satellite photos of the diminishing polar ice caps over the recent years. However, those same ice caps have grown and receded many times over the last millennium. We have ice core samples that prove this - we just don't have those impressive satellite pictures from 1776. Yeah, yeah I saw the pictures of ice falling off of the glaciers into the ocean too. Impressive, right? Well, that's a normal event. Has been forever. So much so that there's a scientific name for it. It's called "shedding". And those poor polar bears! Tsk, tsk. However will they survive without expansive ice? Well, the bears may not be too happy about it but I bet the seals are. Polar bears had a good run. Let the seals be dominant for the next 1000 years. Maybe it's time for the bears to go extinct like the T-Rex. Trust me, nobodies going to miss the Polar Bears. I ain't exactly cryin' cause there aren't T-Rex's sauntering through my local dog park. Okay, back to the science.
If you remember bigger snows when you were a child, you're probably right. Global temperatures fell by 2.7 degrees making the years from 1940 to 1975 colder than normal. Hence, the global cooling hysteria of 1977. During the Middle Ages temperatures climbed, making planting crops in Greenland and other previously cold regions warm enough to farm. Thousands in Europe were well fed but died due to the heat. In the mid to late 1770's snow fell in New England til June. Crops failed throughout the colonies because of colder temps and again, thousands died. It was a true mini Ice Age and almost crushed the rebellion for the colonies as much as the redcoats did.
My local weatherman can't predict whats going to happen this Friday with much accuracy let alone predict the global weather patterns 100 years from now. So forgive me if I'm not buying what they're selling. I can make the argument that global temperatures are climbing due to the arrival and wide use of polyester in the late 1970's. Think about it. Groovy polyester slacks and shirts hit the racks and suddenly the planet warms up. Sound ridiculous? Sure. Just as ridiculous that during the incredible expansion of industrialization after WW II, global temps remained cool. From 1945 to 1975 we saw incredible economic growth globally. There were few safeguards to the environment. Pollutants filled the air round the world. Yet for 30 plus years, global temps were cool. The global warming crowd states that 1998 was the year that saw the temps rise globally. That's one hell of a delay.
Finally. Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant. It occurs naturally. Hell, I'm creating some right now and so are you. Living things thrive on it. It's part of our environment and has been at higher and lower levels for tens of thousands of years - long before incandescent light bulbs or Ford Mustangs.
In 2007, the BBC produced a documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle". It's the other side to Al Gore "An Inconvenient Truth". In the documentary, much of the Global Warming crowd's claims are refuted and disputed using evidence and studies by well known climatologists and scientists. Before you make up your mind about the merits of Man-made Global Warming, its good to hear opposing comments. It is posted on YouTube and you can view it by clicking on the link here. Otherwise, I'm going to have to give up Polyester.