I voted in the Pennsylvania Primary this evening. Everything is as it has always been except for a little yellow notice on the door that said voters will have to show an ID before voting. No problem. I brought my wallet with my Pennsylvania Drivers license intact. I showed it to the poll worker and guess what happened next?
I voted.
Yep, it was just that easy. They didn't ask for my birth certificate, deed to my house, 3rd Grade geography test results or blood sample. They didn't even swab my mouth for a DNA test. All they wanted was for me to prove that I was who I said I was. Imagine that! What an incredible obstacle I had to leap. Well, apparently some people thought so. One of the workers told me that earlier, a young woman was quite upset that she had to show ID. (Apparently she thought the notice on the door was for people not as privileged as herself) She made some amusing comment about how we are "losing our freedom" and bolted from the building. She was partly right. We are losing our freedoms - bit by bit, day by day. But not because we're required to show ID when electing local, state and federal officials.
There are numerous things you cannot do without showing identification. Here's a partial list.
Buy a gun. Drive a care. Buy insurance. Visit a Dr's office. Board an airplane. Cash a check. Rent a movie. Get a credit card. Get on welfare. Obtain a Passport. Get a fishing license. Enter a Casino. Buy alcohol. Buy cigarettes. Pick up a package from the post office. Buy a bus ticket. Enroll in college. Rent a hotel room. Apply for a loan. No one would consider asking ID for any of these items "racist". But somehow the hard left has decided to make Voter ID just that. If I were a member of a minority, I'd be raving mad. But not for the reason you might think. I'd be angry because some do-gooder liberals think I'm too ignorant or stupid to actually have identification. Don't minorities drive cars? Then they must have a driver's license - right? If they have have health insurance, even government health insurance, they had to show ID - right? Both of my parents gave up driving in recent years. So Pennsylvania gave them a FREE identification card with their photo and everything. The infirmed and elderly often complain that its just too hard to get to the places where free ID is offered. My question is - then how did you expect to get to the polls? Its almost as if the opponents of Voter ID actually want fraudulent votes to be possible. Hmmm.
The lowest and I do mean lowest possible threshold one should have to perform in order to vote - is to show identification. If you're too lazy or stupid to produce it, you probably shouldn't be voting anyway. I'm tired of lowering the bar for everything and everyone. Responsibility has been replaced by blame, indignation and entitlement. Here's a news flash. A Presidential election will be held on November 6th this year. That gives you almost 7 months to get your ass off the sofa and get a free ID card from the state. No one is asking you to enlist in the Armed Services and storm a beachhead - just produce a f***in' ID card. If you find that too taxing to your system - sit this election out. They'll be another one in 4 years. That should give you just enough time to get that card. Idiot.