First - a little history. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act became law. Democrats have been taking credit for it ever since as a sign of just how much they care for down-troddened black Americans. But hold on a second. When you check the numbers, you find that a larger percentage of Republicans voted for the bill than Democrats. HUH?! Yep, you read that right. The breakdown was GOP 138 - 34 , Dems 152 - 96 Without the GOP votes, the bill fails. Plus, it was a Democrat (Robert Byrd) who filibustered in an attempt to destroy the bill's chances. He was also a member of the KKK. Your kids will never read that in any history books. Nor will they read that it was the Republican party that pushed for emancipation, not the Democratic party. Or for example, that the first black Secretary of State, Condeleeza Rice was appointed by a GOP President. (G.W. Bush) as well as the first black Joint Chief of Staff, Colin Powell. (Also by G.W. Bush) In fact, Bush's cabinet and his appointees had the highest percentage of blacks EVER by a President. I could go on and mention that it was JFK (Democrat) who wire tapped Rev. M.L. King's phone, but you get the point. Sadly, 38% of college graduates think Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator was a Democrat. They may need more skoolin'.
Since Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" programs of the 1960's, an estimated $7 trillion dollars have been spent on programs to benefit the poor and blacks in general. We and they, haven't got much for the money. One of the most devastating to the family was that if an unwed woman became pregnant, moved out of the home of her parents, did not name or know who the father was, then Big Daddy in Washington would provide for all her essential needs. Ergo she no longer needed a husband or the support of her family. In fact, the more children she had out of wedlock, the more money she would receive from the government. This program was the death knell for many families, especially in the black community. Unfortunately many black men saw this as the best of all possible worlds. They could father as many children as they wanted, from multiple women, without ever having to accept the responsibility of fatherhood. Many women rejected marriage in favor of a boyfriend who could slip in the back door and not jeopardize her government check. If you think this is just racist talk - you haven't looked at the statistics lately. 60% of black children grow up in fatherless households. 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. Almost half of young black men in America's cities are neither working nor in school. And having a black President has made no difference either. Thinking differently will. If you don't see this as a ticking time bomb - you're not paying attention.
Too many elected Democrats believed that by offering generous handouts, they could cultivate a large segment of the black population for votes without having to try very hard. They were right. Blacks vote for Democratic candidates by huge margins, up to 95%. Most don't even think about an alternative. In most inner cities, Donald Duck could be elected Mayor if he was listed with a "D" next to his name. Republican candidates aren't even considered and are just lambs to be slaughtered at the polls. But the party that pretends to care so much about the black vote has abandoned them. Trillion of dollars spent has yielded little improvement in the black condition. This is because government cannot replace family, honor and commitment.
Imagine a party that actually believes in YOU - not a system of endless entitlements designed to keep you in their fold. Imagine receiving a handUp instead of a handOUT. Then imagine being told that you couldn't possibly compete with the white class and therefore should be content with the cheap freebies as long as you continue to vote for them. Such is the choice. When a constituency - any constituency, constantly gives their support to a particular party without reservation - they have sealed their fate. They no longer have clout.
Its just assumed that the Dems are more tuned to the black community's needs. Yet the reality is that the programs designed to lift them up have kept them down and continues to do so. All while the majority of black Americans blindly stay in the Democratic party's back pocket. It is time for a new political reality. Contrary to popular belief, Republicans especially Conservative Republicans want black Americans to succeed in the system, not be dependent upon it. Because it creates an environment in which every generation that follows can build upon the success that preceded them. A government check will never replace a father or dignity of work. It will never allow true economic liberation and freedom. This is true for all of us regardless of race. If results matter - the time to look elsewhere for answers may have come for black America.