President Obama effectively gave 5 million illegal immigrant legal status recently. They're not 'undocumented', they're illegal. Want proof? Next time your drivers license is due for renewal, don't bother getting it renewed. Then, when you're pulled over by a Police officer and he asks for your drivers license - just explain to him you don't have one. Tell him, your not driving illegally, merely undocumented. Yeah, see how well that works out for you.
The President and his party like to talk about compassion and fairness. This mass amnesty offers neither, especially to hard working Americans. Think about it. While the President remarks how the hard working illegal clean our homes, take care of our kids and prepare our food - he leaves out the fact that once they are made legal and given work papers, they wont be satisfied to perform those tasks. Oh no, like everyone else they'll want to better themselves. And doing so means competing for the jobs Americans now hold. The first group to have competition for jobs will be the black community. With unemployment already far above the national numbers, the black community will compete with newly minted legal immigrants for jobs. With their new legal status, they wont have to settle for menial jobs. And because they aren't US citizens (yet) employers don't have to offer health care insurance, making employing them much more cost effective & attractive. (The President left out that part during his impassioned speech) Legal status will open up a host of new benefits for these people as well - on the state level if not yet on the federal level. The costs will be passed onto the rest of us. Meanwhile, those who have spent thousands of dollars and years waiting in line to come to America legally, will still be waiting in line. No fast track for them. They'd be better off sneaking across our southern border and coming here illegally. THEN, the President might show them some compassion. The President's unilateral and illegal move to circumvent congress and the Constitution will have ripple effects for years to come. He and his party are hoping to turn these new immigrants into a powerful Democratic Party voting block - eventually. Why else wait until after the mid-term elections? This move will become a magnet for others to trek across our southern border in hopes of getting legal status themselves. Of course, he already knows that. It's part of his long range plan - one that he hopes will continue long after his Presidency is over. And he did this all without Congress's approval. Apparently, we are no longer a Representative Republic but a dictatorship, where the whims of the King is all that is necessary to write law.
Is it time for American ground troops against ISIS ?
Listen. I know there are a lot of you out there who have no appetite to reintroduce American ground troops into the middle east theater. If you're a member of this club, know that I was counted among your numbers not that long ago. After 13 years of American involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq, we have certainly spent enough blood and treasure. I thought that if the Iraqis and Afghans could not train and field a tangible defensive military force after a decade plus - when would they? After all, it's their country to defend - not ours. We certainly did our part by eradicating Al Queda and setting up a democratically elected (though far from perfect) government in both countries. They have been the beneficiaries of American blood, sweat, toil, loss and money. Frankly, I would love to withdraw all American forces from the region and let them have at each other until the Shiites kill the Sunnis or vice versa. Let them enjoy their centuries long hatred of each other. But the problem with ISIS goes far beyond the borders of either country. And unlike Al Queda which preferred suicide bombers and the like, ISIS is a tangible military force with arms greater than vintage AK-47's and box cutters. And also unlike Al Queda, ISIS controls land, and a lot of it. So barbaric is ISIS that Al Queda distanced themselves from ISIS claiming that their tactics were too brutal. This coming from an organization that flew commercial airliners into office buildings. Whether crucifying Christians, beheading 10 year old boys, raping women and selling them into slavery - ISIS makes Al Queda look like your local Red Cross chapter. Sure, we could walk away from ISIS if we chose to. After all, all this is taking place thousands of miles from our shores. But the planning for 911 also took place from a similar distance. We ignored the threat for a decade. And 3000 Americans paid with their lives.
Our current President says the ISIS threat is real. But insists that an air campaign will be sufficient to turn the tide against them. Virtually every military advisor says otherwise. Either he is lying to himself or us. Last week, he telegraphs our plans to the enemy by informing them that he will not introduce American ground troops in any assault. That bit of information was intended for a war weary domestic audience, not ISIS. Yet ISIS gains confidence with the proclamation that America's commitment to victory against them apparently has limits. He will try to convince our allies to contribute arms and aid against ISIS. But it's unlikely even the Brits will send any troops. Whether we like it or not, the United States alone has the military assets to destroy ISIS. It sure would be nice to have someone else do some of the heavy lifting, but ultimately the job is ours. I too wish it weren't so. But American exceptionalism carries with it responsibilities that no other nation has.
Current estimates say that ISIS has about 15,000 members in the field. With superior intelligence, arms, tactic, air power and training - less than half that number of U.S. troops could annihilate ISIS in Iraq. The Kurds in northern Iraq are finally being armed by the United States as they should have been a year ago. But I do not believe in arming the so-called "moderate" Muslims in Syria as Senator McCain and other advocate. Although ISIS is integrated in Syria, it is a far more complicated situation. I am less convinced than some that moderate Muslims even exist. Removing ISIS from Iraq and destroying their capabilities there should be the primary effort.
Once again, America is called upon to defeat a barbaric enemy who has plans to inflict damage at home just as they are doing abroad. If we shirk from this responsibility, ISIS may gain so much territory, power and influence that it will become an even larger player in Mideast politics and ideology. Should that happen, we may one day look back at this moment and wonder why we didn't seize the opportunity to destroy ISIS while it was much smaller and less effective.
Our current President says the ISIS threat is real. But insists that an air campaign will be sufficient to turn the tide against them. Virtually every military advisor says otherwise. Either he is lying to himself or us. Last week, he telegraphs our plans to the enemy by informing them that he will not introduce American ground troops in any assault. That bit of information was intended for a war weary domestic audience, not ISIS. Yet ISIS gains confidence with the proclamation that America's commitment to victory against them apparently has limits. He will try to convince our allies to contribute arms and aid against ISIS. But it's unlikely even the Brits will send any troops. Whether we like it or not, the United States alone has the military assets to destroy ISIS. It sure would be nice to have someone else do some of the heavy lifting, but ultimately the job is ours. I too wish it weren't so. But American exceptionalism carries with it responsibilities that no other nation has.
Current estimates say that ISIS has about 15,000 members in the field. With superior intelligence, arms, tactic, air power and training - less than half that number of U.S. troops could annihilate ISIS in Iraq. The Kurds in northern Iraq are finally being armed by the United States as they should have been a year ago. But I do not believe in arming the so-called "moderate" Muslims in Syria as Senator McCain and other advocate. Although ISIS is integrated in Syria, it is a far more complicated situation. I am less convinced than some that moderate Muslims even exist. Removing ISIS from Iraq and destroying their capabilities there should be the primary effort.
Once again, America is called upon to defeat a barbaric enemy who has plans to inflict damage at home just as they are doing abroad. If we shirk from this responsibility, ISIS may gain so much territory, power and influence that it will become an even larger player in Mideast politics and ideology. Should that happen, we may one day look back at this moment and wonder why we didn't seize the opportunity to destroy ISIS while it was much smaller and less effective.
Like Free Speech? Boycott Firefox Mozilla Now!
In 2008, Mozilla Co-founder and CEO Brendan Eich, donated $1000. of his own money in support of California's Proposition 8 which outlawed Gay marriage. Proposition 8 passed. But it's opponents didn't like the "will of the people" so they went to court to have it overturned. At this point it may be of interest to mention that Barack Obama held the exact same view at the exact same moment in time. Only in 2012, a few months before his re-election bid did he change his mind. Hmmm.
Last week, Mr. Eich was forced to resign due to his opinion and monetary donation in 2008. Mozilla's Executive Chairwoman, Winifred Mitchell Baker used the most twisted Orwellian logic in explaining her actions by saying, "Mozilla believes both in equality and freedom of speech. Equality is necessary for meaningful speech. And you need free speech to fight for equality." No one is stopping the Pro-Gay Marriage community from espousing their views. In fact, they are quite vocal. But Mr. Eich is not afforded that same right. Apparently all free speech is not created equal. They have re-defined free speech to mean, "those who have a set standard of beliefs we approve of." All others - beware. SLATE Magazine's William Saletan, is now calling for the "purge" of all 35,000 donors to Prop 8. He goes as far as to provide a link that lists the names and donations made. This is a dangerous witch hunt. McCarthyism. And it threatens every one's free speech. Every ones.
Free Speech means not only the ability to speak our minds but also to speak our minds without fear of reprisals. I don't give a damn whether you're pro or anti Gay marriage. This goes far beyond a single topic or agenda. It's about tolerance. Without tolerance for opposing viewpoints, there is no tolerance at all. The hard left now employs Fascist tactics. The message is simple - believe as we do, or we will demonize, attack, libel, intimidate and threaten you. Perhaps next, Mozilla will not enable their web browser to access websites that they find politically or socially offensive and intolerant. And how long will it be till other search engines or web browsers follow in an attempt to be "tolerant" lest they be targeted as intolerant. This is how it begins. And where true free speech may end.
Last week, Mr. Eich was forced to resign due to his opinion and monetary donation in 2008. Mozilla's Executive Chairwoman, Winifred Mitchell Baker used the most twisted Orwellian logic in explaining her actions by saying, "Mozilla believes both in equality and freedom of speech. Equality is necessary for meaningful speech. And you need free speech to fight for equality." No one is stopping the Pro-Gay Marriage community from espousing their views. In fact, they are quite vocal. But Mr. Eich is not afforded that same right. Apparently all free speech is not created equal. They have re-defined free speech to mean, "those who have a set standard of beliefs we approve of." All others - beware. SLATE Magazine's William Saletan, is now calling for the "purge" of all 35,000 donors to Prop 8. He goes as far as to provide a link that lists the names and donations made. This is a dangerous witch hunt. McCarthyism. And it threatens every one's free speech. Every ones.
Free Speech means not only the ability to speak our minds but also to speak our minds without fear of reprisals. I don't give a damn whether you're pro or anti Gay marriage. This goes far beyond a single topic or agenda. It's about tolerance. Without tolerance for opposing viewpoints, there is no tolerance at all. The hard left now employs Fascist tactics. The message is simple - believe as we do, or we will demonize, attack, libel, intimidate and threaten you. Perhaps next, Mozilla will not enable their web browser to access websites that they find politically or socially offensive and intolerant. And how long will it be till other search engines or web browsers follow in an attempt to be "tolerant" lest they be targeted as intolerant. This is how it begins. And where true free speech may end.
The Mexican Organization NWO, National Will Organization states; "We reject the occupation of our nation in its northern territories, an important cause of poverty and emigration. We demand that our claim to all the territories occupied by force by the United States be recognized in our Constitution, and we will bravely defend, according to the principle of self-determination to all peoples, the right of the Mexican people to live in the whole of our territory within its historical borders, as they existed and were recognized at the moment of our independence." And this isn't some fringe group. Oh no. They are quite passionate and in great numbers.
Now imagine that the heavily Mexican populated state of Arizona held a referendum seeking to join Mexico. It might very well pass even though it would be illegitimate. The United States can not be dissected by the will of any group or groups of people. But let's say it does and Mexican troops cross the border to protect it's Spanish heritage people and the annex the state into Mexico? What should and would the United States do? Well that's pretty much what just happened in Crimea. And with Putin's shocktroops massing on Ukraine's eastern border, more Russian Reconquista may occur. So when you hear about Putin restoring a region into it's rightful Russian realm, he's using the same script that the Reconquista's are employing. It's an invasion of sovereign territory. Votes mean nothing. Without firm U.S. resolve, Putin's dream may well become a reality. Then again, so may the Mexican Reconquista's.
Beware. History always repeats itself.
Weakness breeds adventurism. This is nothing new. But apparently a lesson that Barack Obama and his misguided children needs to learn...again. The parallels between Putin's adventurism today and Hitler's adventurism in the 1930's is mesmerizing. For those of you who slept through your history class in Jr. High, Hitler didn't devour Europe in one bite. Oh no, he took small nibbles. By claiming to come to the rescue of persecuted Germans living outside the motherland, (sound familiar?) he swept into Austria, occupied the Sudetenland, followed by Czechoslovakia before invading Poland in 1939. His original premise was to regain land that was lost at the end of WW I, which he felt should still be part of the empire. And he wanted to re-establish the borders of that empire. (Again, sound familiar?) At home, he played up National pride to a fever pitch - claiming that the "reunion" of these lands was not only just but a national right. (Are you getting this?) While he amassed a large army on the new expanded border, the World stood by doing nothing except lodging protests and proposing sanctions. (Now you getting it?) When it was obvious that the World would sit back and do nothing of any significance, he marched toward the English Channel and took France. In the year that would follow, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and the Netherlands would surrendered.
Fast forward to 2014.
Putin employs the exact (not similar but exact) same premise to acquire Crimea. His troops are on the eastern border of Ukraine, positioned to invade and "reclaim" land he believes rightfully belongs to Russia. He boasts Russian national pride on Russian TV and incites the people into believing he is restoring their lost empire. (Adolph did this on radio in the 1930's) Clearly, Putin is intent on re-establishing the Soviet empire circa 1989. And while he makes the moves necessary for his dream to become a reality, the west obliges him with pathetic sanctions. Crimea is now Russia's. It's a done deal. What remains to be seen is whether he will stop there (unlikely) or proceed into Ukraine. (My money is on the latter) At risk are also the Baltic countries. Perhaps he'd even be bold enough to pressure Poland.
What's done is done. But it was unnecessary. Led by a community organizer who believed he can change his adversaries minds with his shear personal magnitude - the United States was caught flatfooted. So naive was Obama, that he gave up defensive missiles in eastern Europe without getting anything in return from the Ruskis. Correctly, they saw this as a sign of weakness and inexperience.
Had Hitler been stopped early in his mad crusade, WWII may have been avoided, or at least the WWII we knew. But there were appeasers and those who found it easier to sacrifice everything for the illusion of peace. The Russian military though formidable, is no match for an alliance that America could amass. And I have to assume the Russian hierarchy knows this. I'm not suggesting that the United States should go to war over Crimea or even the potential annexing of eastern Ukraine. But the threat of using our power must be there. Much less provocative actions can be taken including training and arming potential Russian targets and re-introducing defensive missiles. To stand by and do nothing invites more adventurism. And if history teaches us anything, it's that evil prospers when good men do nothing. As good men, what will we do? And with a President intent on "managing" such situations rather than dominating - we are likely to see the expansion of the New Soviet Empire.
Fast forward to 2014.
Putin employs the exact (not similar but exact) same premise to acquire Crimea. His troops are on the eastern border of Ukraine, positioned to invade and "reclaim" land he believes rightfully belongs to Russia. He boasts Russian national pride on Russian TV and incites the people into believing he is restoring their lost empire. (Adolph did this on radio in the 1930's) Clearly, Putin is intent on re-establishing the Soviet empire circa 1989. And while he makes the moves necessary for his dream to become a reality, the west obliges him with pathetic sanctions. Crimea is now Russia's. It's a done deal. What remains to be seen is whether he will stop there (unlikely) or proceed into Ukraine. (My money is on the latter) At risk are also the Baltic countries. Perhaps he'd even be bold enough to pressure Poland.
What's done is done. But it was unnecessary. Led by a community organizer who believed he can change his adversaries minds with his shear personal magnitude - the United States was caught flatfooted. So naive was Obama, that he gave up defensive missiles in eastern Europe without getting anything in return from the Ruskis. Correctly, they saw this as a sign of weakness and inexperience.
Had Hitler been stopped early in his mad crusade, WWII may have been avoided, or at least the WWII we knew. But there were appeasers and those who found it easier to sacrifice everything for the illusion of peace. The Russian military though formidable, is no match for an alliance that America could amass. And I have to assume the Russian hierarchy knows this. I'm not suggesting that the United States should go to war over Crimea or even the potential annexing of eastern Ukraine. But the threat of using our power must be there. Much less provocative actions can be taken including training and arming potential Russian targets and re-introducing defensive missiles. To stand by and do nothing invites more adventurism. And if history teaches us anything, it's that evil prospers when good men do nothing. As good men, what will we do? And with a President intent on "managing" such situations rather than dominating - we are likely to see the expansion of the New Soviet Empire.
Pennsylvania judge rules voter ID "unconstitutional"
A Commonwealth judge has ruled Pennsylvania's voter ID law unconstitutional saying it "unreasonably burdens the right to vote". The lowest threshold one should have to perform in order to vote would be to have a photo ID when voting. Yet this judge feels that producing an ID while voting is too high a bar. While those opposed to voter ID will say this law was racist, I suggest it is racist to assume that minorities aren't bright enough or deficient in some manner to obtain and produce such identification. Frankly, if I was a member of the minority community, I would be insulted by the thought that I am inferior in some way and do not possess the necessary intellect to procure such a easily obtainable document. Never mind that a photo ID is required to purchase alcohol, buy a gun, board a plane, drive a car, get health insurance or any number of other activities. We are no longer represented by elected officials. Now, judges have substituted their own agendas for the laws passed by our legislative officials. Maybe next time I purchase a firearm I wont bother with a background check. Because I consider it an "unreasonable burden on my right to exercise my 2nd amendment".
Get ready for yet another bailout.
Ever wonder what will happen if not enough healthy young people enroll in an ObamaCare approved health plan? Well, you should. Because if 30 million new healthy policy holders don't materialize, your health care plan is going to skyrocket. ObamaCare needs those additional 30 million young people. You know, the ones who are much less likely to actually use their benefits. The insurance companies were promised tens of millions of new policy holders. And if they don't materialize, the ObamaCare promises to bail them out via something called "risk corridors". Obamacare includes a provision that allows the federal government to funnel taxpayer dollars to insurers that face the prospect of losing too much money under the new health care law, and conservative critics want to repeal it. Simply put, the insurance companies will get a bail out. And guess who is going to pay for that? Yep. You. If you thought the $100 billion auto bailout was big. Or the $700 billion bank bailout was massive - how big do you think a bailout will be of one-sixth of our economy? This should come as no shock though. It was listed in the bill that no one read. Remind everyone that this was a bill voted into law without a single Republican vote.
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