President Obama effectively gave 5 million illegal immigrant legal status recently. They're not 'undocumented', they're illegal. Want proof? Next time your drivers license is due for renewal, don't bother getting it renewed. Then, when you're pulled over by a Police officer and he asks for your drivers license - just explain to him you don't have one. Tell him, your not driving illegally, merely undocumented. Yeah, see how well that works out for you.
The President and his party like to talk about compassion and fairness. This mass amnesty offers neither, especially to hard working Americans. Think about it. While the President remarks how the hard working illegal clean our homes, take care of our kids and prepare our food - he leaves out the fact that once they are made legal and given work papers, they wont be satisfied to perform those tasks. Oh no, like everyone else they'll want to better themselves. And doing so means competing for the jobs Americans now hold. The first group to have competition for jobs will be the black community. With unemployment already far above the national numbers, the black community will compete with newly minted legal immigrants for jobs. With their new legal status, they wont have to settle for menial jobs. And because they aren't US citizens (yet) employers don't have to offer health care insurance, making employing them much more cost effective & attractive. (The President left out that part during his impassioned speech) Legal status will open up a host of new benefits for these people as well - on the state level if not yet on the federal level. The costs will be passed onto the rest of us. Meanwhile, those who have spent thousands of dollars and years waiting in line to come to America legally, will still be waiting in line. No fast track for them. They'd be better off sneaking across our southern border and coming here illegally. THEN, the President might show them some compassion. The President's unilateral and illegal move to circumvent congress and the Constitution will have ripple effects for years to come. He and his party are hoping to turn these new immigrants into a powerful Democratic Party voting block - eventually. Why else wait until after the mid-term elections? This move will become a magnet for others to trek across our southern border in hopes of getting legal status themselves. Of course, he already knows that. It's part of his long range plan - one that he hopes will continue long after his Presidency is over. And he did this all without Congress's approval. Apparently, we are no longer a Representative Republic but a dictatorship, where the whims of the King is all that is necessary to write law.