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Minority report. Obama has failed you, and played you.

Are you a woman? Black? Hispanic? Young? Gay?  In 2008 when you pulled that magic lever for Barack Obama, did you think he was the panacea for all your woes? Did he speak to you - almost on a personal level? Did you feel as though he was such a trans formative figure that by shear force of being, all of your woes and the rest of the downtrodden would disappear? How's that working out for you? It's been almost four years since the confetti was swept from the floor at the DNC convention in Denver. Those Styrofoam Greek columns are now (slowly) decaying in some land fill but we're left with the real cleanup. Let's check some of your "expectations" against the reality we've been handed.

Are you black?
Well, I guess having a brother in the White house isn't all you thought it would be, is it. Then again, he's only half black. The level of black Americans in poverty has risen. Waaaaay up. Of course, that also comes with increases in food stamp usage so its not all bad. Black unemployment is now 13.6%. When you factor in those who have given up looking for work, its closer to 20%. Those numbers have barely budged under this administration. In fact, it was a tad lower under George W. Bush and he hated blacks, didn't he? Wow. I wonder how much Barack hates you? The High School dropout rate for blacks is 53%. So much for Barack inspiring a new generation. Face it - government can't raise our kids regardless of color. That's done by parents. When we finally get over this government should save us attitude, we'll all be better off. As a Conservative, I want everyone of every color to have the same opportunity.  And I want all Americans to excel to the best of their abilities. Your lot has not improved.

Are you Gay.
As a Conservative, I don't give a damn as to your sexual preference and identity. If your a consenting adult, its none of my business what you do, whom you do it with or who you love. I'm happy to have you as a friend, neighbor or co-worker. I've broken bread with you in your home as well as mine. I don't see you as Gay. I see you as "you". If you think that means I don't feel your pain, your right. I can never know the prejudices you've encounter. But it doesn't mean I condone it or accept it. I don't. But I wont pander to you either. If you believe in Gay marriage, I respect that. But I respectfully disagree. President Obama had a change of heart about Gay marriage this Spring - right in time for his re-election bid. In 2008, he stated that "Marriage is and always must remain, between one woman and one man. This is my belief". A few months ago he had an epiphany regarding Gay marriage. Convenient, wasn't it. You're being used by his election machine. He cares about your vote. That's all. And he doesn't have the power to legalize Gay marriage anyway. Only the states can do that. You are hitching your wagon to a horse that can't and wont run. After election night, he wont even remember your name.

Are you a woman?
You've come a long way, baby! How are you enjoying those free birth control pills? That's all you ever really wanted. right? Oh sure, a job would be nice too. But come on, be realistic. Things are bad, baby. You know you earn less than a man and Barack meant to help you but...things just didn't work out. If you're a married woman you know how hard it is to feed your family nowadays. Food prices up. Even getting to the store costs more now as gas is up from $1.90 a gallon in 2009 to $3.78 today. Barack meant to do more for you but he was so busy in 2009 and 2010 pushing his health care reform, that he just didn't have time for you. Kinda' like your husband. Barack talks the talk, then he walks...away. Dump this loser, ladies.

Are you Hispanic?
You thought those horrible Republicans want deport all of your illegal brethren. But wait, do you know Barack has deported more illegal immigrants than Bush did? In fact, deportations are way up. I thought he liked you guys? Its so confusing. Latino unemployment is 11.0%. Again, when you count those who have stopped looking for work, its closer to 19%. The fastest and clearest path to success is an education, training and a job - regardless of race. You're being "race baited". Don't let anybody do that to you.

Are you young?
Whether you belong to any of the above categories or not - this one is the absolute worst to belong to. Why? Well lets look at the math. Unemployment among American youth is an abysmal 38% in the 20 to 24 age group. Ages 16 to 19 is 71.1%. New College graduate rate of unemployment is 50%. Hope you like Mom & Dad, cause' you may be spending your entire 20's with them. Maybe more. You may have loved "Occupy Wall Street". But you're more likely to "Occupy Mom & Dad's Basement". Even if you're lucky enough to get a job, your wages will be depressed. But that's not the worse of it. You will be inheriting the largest amount of debt ever saddled upon a generation. Our current $16 trillion debt will have to be paid off by someone. That someone is you, Princess. And its quite possible that in order to satisfy that debt as quickly as possible, some bright politician will suggest hyper-inflation as a way to do it. Try not to think about it. It's too depressing even for me. While people in their 40's and older will demand that their Social Security and Medicare benefits remain unchanged, you'll be the ones who will continue to foot the bill. And without reforms, there will be a bare bones (if any) Social Security and Medicare entitlement for you. But Obama refuses to even discuss entitlement reforms or reduce spending. Simply put - you're screwed.

Your future isn't tied to a party that offers sympathy for you because your simply too downtrodden to excel on your own. You are much more than black, white, latino, Gay or any other category. Don't be "played". Don't be bought. Hope & Change was a great slogan. It could mean virtually anything to anybody. But the reality is that results have been ineffective and costly. The ideology is flawed.When November 6th comes around, take inventory of the promises, the results and the burdens of the last four years. Vote as if you are in control of your future. Because you are.

Writer's note: Last month saw the largest surge in my blogs readership, doubling the previous high water mark. Thanks.

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