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Obama says high gas prices are a good sign. Huh?

During this weeks Presidential debate, President Obama made a comment that nearly made my skin shed. Regarding high gas prices, he said that the reason gas prices were so low ($1.90 a gallon) in 2009 when he took office, was because the economy was so bad. His logic, I assume, is that at $3.75 a gallon today, the economy is humming along. If pressed, I could probably think of something stupider to say, but for now focus on the comment made by the President.

The price of eggs are up 73%. Apple juice increased  43% and coffee 90%.  Corn based products are up 40%. Health care insurance up 35%. Apparently all of these increases are due to an economy that is just super! At least that's the story he's peddling. Only in an Obama World could that line of logic make sense. Silly me, I thought stable prices with modest increases were good. But not everything has gone up. Take a look at your home value. And even with historically low interest rates, homes just aren't selling and foreclosures reached record levels. Lets not even discuss your 401-k. Yep, if high gas prices are a sign of a booming economy, then the other things I mentioned must mean we're on our way to economic Nirvana!

I don't mind a politician lying to me. Hell, they do it all the time. I just don't want them to think I'm stupid. And judging by that ass-backwards logic Barry tried to lay on me - he must think I'm as daft as a retarded Spyder monkey on crack. I'm not. And don't let him think you are either.

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