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A gun control lesson for Liberals

I've tried so many times to try and explain to liberals why their views on gun control are so misguided. But I just don't seem to be making much headway. Perhaps I'm using too many big words. So for those of you who have a similar problem educating your libtard friends, I'm going to try here just one more time.  If you're going to make an argument with a lib about gun control, it's best to come well armed. Pun intended. Try these next time.

"People are being killed by guns."
Yes, they are. (Then again, even more people are being killed by cars.) But ask yourself, who is doing the killing? Mostly people who didn't get their guns legally. Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Is it working? Nope. Last year over 500 murders were committed in Chi-town.  Chicago Police say the influx and usage of illegal guns is of "epidemic proportions". Their words. Those murders aren't being committed by legal gun owners. Why aren't the gun laws there working? The criminal element doesn't care about laws. That's why they're criminals. Heroin, pot, crack and prostitution are also illegal. Yet in most places you can get all of them in about an hour from your home. Prohibition was illegal too. How'd that work out?

"A child is more likely to die or be injured by a gun when it's in the home."
Uh huh. And you're more likely to fall down stairs in a split level home than a ranch home. But the number one cause of children's death in the home is accidental drowning. That includes drowning in bathtubs, pools, toilets and buckets. Yes, buckets. On average, 87 children a year will drown in a bucket. Do you want the government dictating bucket diameter and liquid capacity? The number one place children die is in an automobile accident. We've got plenty of laws regarding cars. Of course, we could ban cars, then no child would die in a car crash.

"But if only the military and Police had guns, we'd be safer."
Britain banned private ownership of guns in 2005. Gun crimes increased 500%. Again, the criminal element will always get their hands on guns just like illegal drug, etc.  All this does is disarm the law abiding public. Does that make you safer?

"Nobody needs a 30 round gun magazine."
Says who? Nobody needs a large V8 engine or motor home. Nobody needs a 60 inch plasma TV.  Nobody needs a 3000 sq. ft. home either. For that matter, no one needs a plethora of specific things. Who gets to decide? A large capacity magazine can be used in hunting or self defense. Besides, a 30 round magazine in the hands of a law abiding citizen is no threat to anyone. A 7 round magazine in the hands of a criminal or nut job is quite dangerous. I can fire my personal 15 round magazine, drop the empty, reload a second 15 round magazine and empty that one in about 25 seconds - on a bad day. That's "30" rounds. But I'm no threat to anyone whose not a threat to me.

"Assault rifles should be banned."
Good News! Assault rifles are banned for private ownership. The fact is the rifles you see depicted in the news (AR-15's) are not Assault Rifles. (And no, "AR" does not stand for "assault rifle". It stands for Armalite, the company who developed the piece) A true assault rifle would have to be a fully automatic weapon. Meaning if you keep the trigger depressed, the rifle keeps firing. (Think machine gun) Those weapons have been illegal for private ownership since the 1930's. You must pull an AR-15's trigger every time you want to fire a round - just like every other firearm.

"But those assault rifles look so intimidating."
So does the hot blonde at the end of the bar. So? You can paint racing stripes on a Pinto but that doesn't make it a race car, does it. The so-called assault rifles you speak of just have the look of a true military assault rifle. A black plastic stock vs. a walnut one doesn't make the rifle anymore murderous.

"The 2nd Amendment is antiquated. You don't have to hunt for your dinner anymore."
Read virtually anything by the founding fathers regarding private gun ownership. Washington, Mason, Madison, Jefferson. Not once do they mention hunting quail. They were very adamant - guns in the hands of the people keep them safe from both criminals and a tyrannical government. They mistrusted government which is why they wanted it to be limited. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." I'm not sure why that's so difficult for some people to grasp?

"But the founders never imagine multi-round magazines"
They probably never imagined rocket propelled grenade launchers, tanks and drones at the government's disposal either. So what's your point?

"There are just too many people killed by guns."
The number one manner in which people are killed in the car accidents - 40,000 a year. Over 3500 children are aborted every day. Nobody can defend themselves with a Chevy Malibu or aborted fetus. But I can defend myself with a Ruger 9mm.

"Wouldn't limiting magazine capacity make sense?"
New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo seems to think so though. Magazine capacity there is now limited to 7 rounds. I'm sure the wack jobs and criminals will pay heed to that new regulation. Right? What happens when someone is killed by a 7 round max firearm? Do we reduce capacity to 5? Then 3? How about only allowing single shot muskets?

"Why does the NRA fight these regulations? They appear to make sense."
Things aren't always what they appear to be. Laws designed to keep us safe, usually don't. They just restrict us and create the illusion of safety. What happens after magazine capacity is reduced? The anti-gun crowd is already targeting specific firearms. It wont be long before they'll want to restrict certain caliber guns. South American countries do. They don't allow calibers higher than what the military uses. Say good-bye to .45, .40 and 9mm guns. Before you know it, we'll only have guns powerful enough to kill backyard rabbits and that's about all. Though the bad guys will still be able to get all the firepower they want. Gun confiscation will not come in one swoop. It will be incremental. And every right lost will be a right lost for good.

Maybe none of these arguments will work. Libs are like Windows 8. They come pre-loaded and it's difficult to uninstall certain programs. If nothing else, you'll enjoy that stupid look on their face when they have no legitimate comeback.


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