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The next Revolution. Are you part of it?

A couple of hundred years ago, give or take 30, a group of powder wigged guys thought it would be  a grand idea to revolt against the most powerful country on Earth. Nobody gave them much of a chance. Who would have? After all, this rag tag group of rebels were on King George's most wanted list. Not the list you'd want to be on back in '76. His Army and Navy dwarfed the colonies defenses. And before long, he unleashed them upon the colonists who dared defy him.  But a funny thing happened on the way to a Royal rout. Those pesky Americans fought. And fought. And fought. There was the horror of Bunker (Breed's) Hill. The suffering of Valley Forge. The embarrassment of abandoning the rebel capital, Philadelphia. But there was also the victory at Trenton. At Princeton and the ultimate - the British surrender at Yorktown. During the eight long years of war, defeat was only a battle away. Collapse of the cause was always within sight. And yet, despite such odds - they fought on. Now, we face another foe.

I hear talk of desperation among some conservatives. I hear how the mainstream press is against us - a tool of the administration. How difficult it is to get the message of limited government across to the masses. How to cling to a more traditional view of American values is difficult and ridiculed - the demographics of America are changing and the odds are stacked against us. We wont play Santa Claus to those who want and demand more unaffordable entitlements. Personal responsibility isn't as attractive as Big Daddy government. And who needs a gun with more than 7 rounds anyway? To which I say - buck up!

Nobody is asking you to pick up a musket and storm an enemy encampment. No one is requiring you to march 20 miles through a snowstorm with rags as shoes, then fight the enemy on their turf. And nobody demands you sacrifice your livelihood as you battle the enemy. But you are required to be a participant in your own revolution. You can write letters to the editor in your local newspaper. You can be vocal about your views - express them politely but with passion. You can post stories and images that espouse the opinions, beliefs and agenda of the conservative movement. We're on the right side of history. Use the tool of undisputed logic. Unlike our forefathers who sacrificed everything, you only need sacrifice a little time and a bit of effort. We may be marching uphill at the moment. But make no mistake - we are marching. Are you in step?

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