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It's open season on Christians. Happy Easter.

The Easter season is upon us. For Christians, it celebrates the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ. The belief in a life after this one. The gift of Christ's sacrifice and a promise of eternal life. To the haters, it simply offers another opportunity to take a crack at those Bible thumpers. While attacking Christians at Christmas seem to be the optimum time to display their hate, apparently Easter is too big a target to let pass by as well. I recently viewed posts on a website that displayed anti-Christian photos and vile attacks upon believers. I have never understood the passion of non-believers. Why dedicate so much time, effort and energy to protest something you don't believe exists? Seems to be a terrible waste of their time if you ask me. Perhaps they should take up a hobby. Butterfly collecting perhaps. I don't care if someone is a non-believer. Their lack of faith doesn't impact me. But apparently they are set into a frenzy by believers - Christians mostly. Ever notice how silent the religious haters are when Islam and the Jewish faith are concerned? The silence is deafening. And there are reasons for that. Of course, America is mostly a Christian country where faith is concerned. That makes us the biggest target. But that's not the only reason. Those who practice the Jewish faith respond to hate when it's spewed their way. They have quite a lot of experience in being oppressed. To paraphrase Dee Snyder "they're not gonna' take it". Plus even atheists will give Jews a pass every now and then. Islam is  NEVER a target of the non-believers. There's a good reason for that as well. Mostly, the haters are afraid they'll  be targeted by Muslims of shall we say - intense belief. Hey atheists! If you want to show how tough you are, draw a picture of the Prophet Mohammad and stick that in a jar of urine, like you did to the Virgin Mary in an "art exhibit". You wont though, will you? No. Gutless pussies. Because you only go after low hanging fruit. Christians seldom fight back. We hold our tongues not wanting to be confrontational, less we be portrayed as being rigid and intolerant. But you revel in being confrontational. It's not enough to disagree with our faith, you must attempt to ridicule it. In doing so, you show your lack of humanity, compassion and kindness - actual tenants of the Christian faith. Generally speaking, I have never met a more miserable and intolerant group of people as non-believers are. They act as though our beliefs disgust and somehow endanger them. But in reality, I believe they secretly wish they had such a liberating support system Christianity offers. And of course, they can. Christianity has no entry exam. You don't have to be sponsored to be saved in God's love. But I find many atheists unable to see an entity larger than themselves. They see themselves at the top of the Universe's food chain. So be it. Enjoy. But I cannot imagine the emptiness they must feel. The 1st Amendment doesn't protect Americans FROM religion. It protects the freedom OF religion.  It guarantees the expression and practice of religion. The liberals have twisted the real intent of the 1st amendment  for their own agenda and purposes. And they have been able to get away with it in part, due to the mis-education of the Constitution and a complicit media. But you need not worry. We will pray for you anyway - whether you like it or not.

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